/manager/Index en-au 5 Comparison of fatty acid intakes assessed by a cardiovascular-specific food frequency questionnaire with red blood cell membrane fatty acids in hyperlipidaemic Australian adults: a validation study /manager/Repository/uon:29795 P<0.05) moderate-strong correlations were found between CVD-AES FAs and FA proportions in RBC membranes for EPA (r=0.62), DHA (r=0.53) and DPA (r=0.42), with a moderate correlation for LA (r=0.39) and no correlation with ALA. Significant moderate correlations were found with the AES for DHA (r=0.39), but not for LA, ALA, EPA or DPA. Conclusions: The CVD-AES provides a more accurate estimate of long chain FA intakes in hyperlipidaemic adults, compared with AES estimates. This indicates that a CVD-specific FFQ should be used when evaluating FA intakes in this population.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:30:34 AEDT ]]> The role of socio-economic status and energy-density in Australian women of child-bearing age /manager/Repository/uon:44161 n = 1617) was conducted. Dietary intake was assessed by 24-hr recalls and dietary ED by dietary energy per weight (kJ.g−1). ED was further categorised as ED of foods and beverages separately. SES was assessed by three variables: Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA), developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics; income decile; and level of education. Linear mixed model regressions were used to identify associations between ED and SES. Results: The median ED for food, beverages and combined food and beverages was 9.38 kJ g−1, 1.02 kJ g−1 and 7.11 kJ g−1, respectively. No significant variation was explained by SES variables when analysing combined ED in the adjusted model or ED from foods. Income decile reduced ED of beverages, although with little effect (coefficient: −0.04, P = 0.002). Significant confounders included inactivity, which increased ED in both combined ED and ED foods (coefficient: 0.51, P = 0.001 and coefficient: 0.78, P < 0.001). Conclusions: SES explained little variation in dietary ED in women of childbearing age. A large proportion of women had high energy-dense diets regardless of their SES. These findings suggest that a large proportion of women, who may become pregnant, have diets that exceed the international recommendations for dietary energy density.]]> Mon 10 Oct 2022 09:52:35 AEDT ]]>